Winsome subdivisionThe El Paso County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved the partial release of credit for subdivision improvements for Winsome Filing No. 1 for $889,205.33. Eighty percent of the improvements have been completed and inspected.Frontier Sportsman siteThe BOCC unanimously approved the preliminary release of funds plus accrued interest for grading and erosion control for the Frontier Sportsman site for $42,007.59. All improvements have been completed and inspected.Sanctuary of Peace Residential CommunityThe commissioners unanimously approved a partial release of an irrevocable letter of credit for subdivision improvements for the Sanctuary of Peace Residential Community for $269,756.60. Fifty percent of the improvements have been completed and inspected.Calhan Highway Bridge replacementThe BOCC unanimously approved two memorandums of agreement, two non-exclusive permanent easement agreements, and a temporary construction easement agreement associated with the Calhan Highway Bridge replacement project.EPC Sheriffís Office Falcon Substation projectThe commissioners unanimously accepted a special warrant deed from the Falcon Fire Protection District associated with the EPC Sheriffís Office Falcon Substation project. The BOCC also approved a permanent maintenance easement between the EPC and the FFPD.Signal pole at Meridian Road and Stapleton DriveThe BOCC unanimously approved a purchase order to C&D Electric Inc., for the replacement of the signal pole at the northeast corner of Meridian Road and Stapleton Drive for the Department of Public Works for no more than $114,200.