The February meeting of AARP Chapter 1100 was interesting and informative. The usual potluck lunch provided a wide variety of delicious entrees, sided salads and vegetables plus an array of mouth-watering desserts ó all in an atmosphere of Valentineís Day decorations.The March 9 meeting of Chapter 1100 will feature a catered entrÈe with members bringing salads, side dishes and desserts.Dan Hamilton of Force Broadband provided an educational presentation and discussion. Force Broadband is a high speed internet service provider headquartered in Monument, and also serving the Black Forest area. It is local and veteran owned. People looking for locally operated internet or phone service can contact Force Broadband at or at 719-896-2120.Upcoming Chapter 1100 meetings will include a variety of interesting and informative programs. For example, the Black Forest Fire and Rescue chief will talk about home safety and disaster evacuation routes; and on another occasion, hands-on fire extinguisher training. (an outdoor weather-permitting program).Lori Morgan from UCHealth will present a first-aid program entitled, ìStop the Bleed ó Save a Life.î At another meeting, UCHealth will present another program on how to prevent falls and improve balance. Another important program by representatives from Mountain View Electric will demonstrate the dangers of downed wires ó what to do and what not to do. You donít want to miss these programs.Chapter 1100 meets at noon the second Wednesday of each month in the Fellowship Hall of the Black Forest Lutheran Church, 12455 Black Forest Road. Guests of any age are welcome. Questions regarding the meeting or program should be directed to the Chapter President Candace Lehmann at 314-330-0411.