Stephen Blucher, volunteer for the AARP Driver Safety program, recently presented a comprehensive†course on driver safety at the Black Forest Lutheran Church.†The presentation served as a†refresher course for older drivers by emphasizing the benefits of traffic awareness, adhering to local†and state driving laws and understanding oneís limitations. †The course also focused on new or†changed Colorado driving laws. Participants were reminded that driving skills can diminish with age†and distractions such as texting and cell phone use.†The 16 attendees were given certificates of course completion that, under†Colorado State law, should result in a three-year policy discount when individuals present them to their auto†insurance company.†Black Forest AARP Chapter 1100 sponsors the driver safety course twice a year. †The next†session will be held Oct. 20. The course, however, is presented frequently at other venues in the local area. †To find out the time, place and date most convenient to take the course, visit or call 1-877-846-3299.