The Relay for Life Falcon/Peyton leadership team is challenging locals to contribute to the cause to end cancer by volunteering, raising funds and spreading the word about the event. Paint the World Purple is this yearís national theme.At a kickoff event April 19 at Falcon High School, the Relay for Life Falcon/Peyton leadership team provided information about the relay and its parent organization, the American Cancer Society, and welcomed registered and potential 2016 participants.Christina Breiner, a relay leader, said the Relay for Life is ACS’s biggest fundraiser, bringing in millions of dollars nationwide to fund cancer research, help find cures, provide care to cancer patients and more.”We make a huge impact every day. You may not see it every day, but it happens, from research to providing resources and more,î Breiner said. ìMy reason to relay keeps growing because I see the effects of what we are doing first-hand.î Breiner works for the ACS and has endured cancer diagnoses in both of her parents.Participants join teams, raise funds and walk together. The annual event includes themed laps, a Luminara ceremony, food and fun.”It’s a time to celebrate, it’s a time to remember those we lost and it’s a time to raise awareness of cancer. Cancer touches so many people,” Breiner said.Joyce Clapham, another leadership member, shared her experience as a cancer survivor. Diagnosed with basal-cell carcinoma in October 2010, Clapham underwent six laser surgeries to remove skin cancer on her nose.”The cancer took over the right side of my nose and cheek by the time they got it all,” Clapham said. Doctors performed a skin graft that took a 1-inch piece of skin from her forehead and transferred it to her nose.”I went in for a simple skin graft and freaked out the first time I saw myself. I had 28 stitches,” she said. Now cancer-free, Clapham never goes without sunscreen or a hat.”I relay to end cancer because one day, with what we’re all doing, we’ll find a cure,” said Clapham, who also works for the ACS.”Survivors are part of Relay because they remind us that a cancer diagnosis isn’t the death sentence it once was 50 years ago,î Breiner said. ìCancer survivors walking that track remind us what we’re working for. You can survive your diagnosis.îOne highlight of the annual event is the Luminara ceremony. Participants decorate bags in memory of a loved one who has died from cancer, or in honor of a loved one diagnosed with cancer. Candles are inserted into the bags and placed around the track during the event, glowing throughout the evening.”Make Relay your personal journey,” Breiner said, as she sported a T-shirt with Relay for Life’s signature purple logo on it. “Paint your world purple.”Relay for Life welcomes all interested participants: cancer survivors, their friends and family, and those who simply wish to contribute to its cause.Team captain meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at JAKs Brewing Co., 7654 McLaughlin Road in Falcon. They provide resources, information and networking opportunities to each team captain.This year’s Relay for Life currently has 11 registered teams and has raised more than $1,700. To register a team or donate, visit Relay for Life takes place Saturday, Aug. 20, from noon to midnight at the Falcon High School track, 10255 Lambert Road.Relay event timeline:Leadership meetings: June 1, July 6 and Aug. 3 at 5:30 JAKs Brewing Co., 7654 McLaughlin Rd. in FalconGolf tournament: Friday, July 29, Best Ball 9 a.m. shotgun start at Antler Creek Golf Club, 9650 Antler Creek Dr. $100 per player (50 percent goes to Relay for Life); cost is tax deductible; register prior to June 15 to be entered into a special drawing.Sponsorships are available. Contact Tyler at Antler Creek to register: 719-494-1900. Contact Diane Saign at 719-494-1455 for sponsorship details.Relay for Life windup: Saturday, Aug. 20, noon to midnight at Falcon High School. For more information, visit or or contact Tyler Schultz at 719-630-4978.
Relay for Life painting the world purple
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