After four years without an assistant, the fire chief with Black Forest Fire and Rescue, Bob Harvey, has decided to reinstate the position of assistant fire chief, based on the budget allowance. Jim Rebitski, who has been a part-time firefighter since 2003 and a full-time firefighter since 2009, fit the bill for the job.Rebitski said not much will change when he starts his new position. ìI will be retaining my old work load as well as some new projects as assistant chief.îRebitski also manages the emergency medical response team at the fire station.Black Forest Fire and Rescue is a big advocate of the Fire Wise program, Rebitiski said. He cautioned residents and homeowners to remain vigilant about fires this summer, especially during a drought season. ìKeep your property clear of debris and maintain a strong awareness this summer about fire dangers,î he said.