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Lathen addresses Falcon’s future

El Paso County Commissioner Amy Lathen addressed Falcon residents at the June 28 Falcon Area Issues Roundtable meeting. She said she wants Falcon residents to know about potential changes on the horizon.Lathen said the county is working with several companies to collect preliminary wind energy data in northern El Paso County. In addition to 400-foot windmills, she said residents should be aware that proposed transmission routes pass through Falcon. Lathen said she advised the energy companies to hold town hall meetings in Falcon to educate people about the potential impact of developing wind energy.Lathen also said she has information that Colorado Springs is looking at possible annexation of parts of the Falcon area. “Falcon needs to be having a conversation again about incorporation,” Lathen said. She said she wanted to meet with Colorado Springs officials to discuss their plans out in the open.Discussion of county budget problems dominated the remainder of the meeting. Lathen said her top funding priorities are public safety and infrastructure. “We are no longer meeting mandated service needs,” Lathen said. “I’m not trying to cry about it, I’m just trying to lay it out there.”Lathen said she has asked county departments to trim extra programs and prioritize their mandates. “We’re down to the bone,” she said. Future budget cuts are still on the table because 2008 revenue continues to come in below projections. Sales of county parks were spared during the initial round of cuts but could be revisited.Lathen, who was appointed in January to fill the remainder of Doug Bruce’s term as county commissioner, is running for election this November. She does not face a challenger in the primary but will run against Democrat Allison Hunter in the general election.

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