On Sept. 22, The El Paso County Board of County Commissioners approved a 768-acre development sketch plan in Peyton called Grandview Reserve, a development by 4 Site Investments LLC.According to the plan, the reserve includes 453 acres of urban density single-family residential development, ranging from four to 12 dwelling units per acre; 134 acres of rural residential (low density) single-family residential development, ranging from one to two dwelling units per acre; 127.1 acres of park land, buffer and open space; 16.4 acres of commercial; 17 acres of institutional land uses; and 20.6 acres of public right-of-way. The 768.2 acre property is zoned RR-2.5 (residential rural) and is located north of Judge Orr Road, adjacent and east of Eastonville Road, and adjacent and west of Highway 24.Phil Stuepfert is the†planning and architecture†group leader for HRGreen. He said 4-Site Investments is their client, and HRGreen is providing the planning, engineering and landscape architecture for the project.††Building start dates are unknown because other El Paso County processes have to be completed prior to construction, Stuepfert said. He said construction could start in a year or two if all goes smoothly.Stuepfert said the next steps involve the first phase and designing the infrastructure for the project.†They are including 17 acres of institutional development, which can be a church or school but nothing is final.†Stuepfert said Peyton School District is requesting a school site of about 25 acres, which the developer has agreed to provide.†On Oct. 13, the county commissioners voted 4-1 to deny the metro districts proposed for Grandview Reserve. The main problem is that part of the proposed Grandview Reserve district would overlap a portion of the 4-Way Ranch development. The commissioners said they are legally bound under state law not to form the districts because a metro district already exists that could serve Grandview Reserve. Commissioner Holly Williams, lone voter in support of the metro districts, said homes east of Colorado Springs are in high demand.Stuepfert said, ìWe are working towards getting the metro district approved in the near future.î
Grandview Reserve
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