El Paso County Colorado District 49

Get involved: Falcon/Peyton master plan

The El Paso County Board of Commissioners is recruiting 10 to 12 volunteers to serve on the Falcon/Peyton Small Area Master Plan Advisory Committee. The committee will assist the county with updating the Falcon/Peyton master plan. The area includes about 160 square miles within the Falcon and Peyton communities.Committee responsibilities include the following: participate in the planning process by providing input, review drafts, advocate for the planning process; and commit to meeting about twice per month during a 10-month period. The meeting dates, times and locations will be determined when the committee members are finalized.The county is seeking members with a combination of the following interests or perspectives.

  • Community or neighborhood leaders
  • Resident property owners
  • Area businesses
  • Developer representatives
  • Municipal representatives
  • Major property owners
  • Key district or utility providers (e.g. fire districts, school districts, water providers)
The deadline to apply is Jan. 31, and county commissioners will begin interviewing and selecting the volunteers in February. Volunteer applications can be found online at www.elpasoco.com. Click on the “Volunteer Boards” link. Applicants need to describe in full their interest in serving, along with any perspectives and/or organizations they can formally or informally represent. Applications, include mailing address and daytime phone number, and any letters of interest or rÈsumÈs can be faxed to 520-6397, e-mailed to webmaster@elpasoco.com or mailed: Board of County Commissioners; Attn: Fran St. Germain, Executive Assistant to County Administration; 27 E. Vermijo Ave.; Colorado Springs, CO 80903-2208. Please direct any questions about the specific role of the committee to Carl Schueler, long range planning division manager, at 520-6316 or carlschueler@elpasoco.com.

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