Falcon Fire Chief Trent Harwig swore in two new firefighters at the July 21 meeting of the Falcon Fire Protection District Board of Directors. Scott Gilmore was sworn in as a driver/operator and Sean Kelly was sworn in as a firefighter/paramedic.Financial reportHarwig noted that the end of June marks the completion of 50% of the fiscal year. He said that in the general fund revenues were at 63% of the budgeted amount and expenditures were at 44% of the budgeted amount. The ambulance transport fund was at 54% in revenues and 41% for expenditures. Because lease purchase funds have not yet come in, the capital projects fund was at 23% in revenues and 30% for expenditures. The board voted to accept the 2020 audit, which had no negative findings.OperationsIn June, there were 25 reserve hours. Deputy Chief Jeff Petersma predicted the number would increase as new reserves were expected. In June, there were 287 calls, with 1,686 calls for the year. Falcon ambulances made 111 patient transports in June. Jon Webb, EMS division chief, said the average number of monthly calls is 105; he expected that number to go up now that a mutual aid agreement has been formalized with Ambulance Medical Response. He said his crews were still receiving a few calls to transport COVID-19 patients, but all necessary precautions were taken.Webb said they were working on the logistics to have EMTs taught in-house.Attorney’s reportAttorney Joan Fritsche reported on several bills recently passed in the state Legislature, which could affect fire protection districts.ConstructionHarwig reported that the interior finishing work was progressing on the new Station 3; the building is on schedule to be completed by the end of August. The board ratified a construction draw of $285,153 to Hammers Construction Co. for work completed on the project. Harwig said when the new building is finished, temporary administrative offices will be constructed within it until the old Station 3 is remodeled into an administration building. He said the only thing to settle involved the disposition of office fixtures and equipment in the old building that will not be used in the remodeled building. Board members discussed donating the surplus to a charity or possibility donating some of it to another fire department. It was announced that while the old Station 3 was being remodeled, board meetings would be held in the meeting room at Station 1.The board learned that four bids have been received for the remodeling of old Station 3. The board went into executive session to discuss the merits of each bid and things to consider in awarding the bid. At the August meeting, the board will take formal action to approve one of the bids.Petersma informed the board that all the paperwork had been completed for Fidelity Towers to erect a cellular tower on Station 2 property.The next board meeting is Wednesday, Aug. 18, at 4 p.m. at Station 3. Interested persons can participate via conference call by dialing 719-495-2681 and following prompts.