The Exchange Club of Falcon hosted the local organizationís Installation Dinner this past June at the Hotel Elegante to welcome a new officer and recognize the outstanding volunteer work of members making a difference in our community. Joe Bauer was installed as the clubís new president.Leonore Misner was the first recognized for her dedication both to the club these past 10 years, as well as her fantastic contribution and leadership as the Falcon craft chairwoman for six years. Mrs. Misner was also the groupís public relation officer for many years. She gave the club the special connections required when serving a growing community such as Falcon.The club recognized Darlene Bigham for her outstanding dedication as the clubís secretary. Mrs. Bigham has been an active part of all of the clubís events, as well as a member of CAP ó the Child Abuse Prevention committee. Marge Gentry, lovingly known as the ìQuilt Lady,î was officially recognized for her service to the club and the many organizations the club serves. Mrs. Gentry joined the club after participating in the club-sponsored Falcon Craft Fair, and brought with her experience and an incredible talent for quilting. She has created dozens of quilts for club fundraisers, as well as gifts to the sheriffís department to comfort children being moved to safety for various reasons.The final recognition award went to Bob Miller, who received the Exchangite of the Year plaque. Mr. Miller has chaired eight years of the successful Annual Golf Charity Tournament. Most recently, he has been the president of the club and its many activities for several years. He has introduced projects that assist the oldest of retired military members now living in retirement centers and has continued to support events that lead to the education for the prevention of child abuse in the El Paso County area.If you are interested in working with this community organization or being a part of any of the many events hosted by the Exchange Club of Falcon, please contact Joe Bauer at 719-262-9222 or check out kitsThe Exchange Club of Falcon distributed 10 apartment startup kits this past spring to Urban Peak, which helps homeless youth become self-sufficient adults. The kits will assist those leaving Urban Peak and moving out on their own. The funds for the kits came from the proceeds of the Exchange Club craft fair held last October. The kits were designed and put together by local students in the area. John Henselman from Falcon Middle School was among the students. Each kit contained the basics for a new bathroom and kitchen but also included items that are often overlooked like a can opener, oven mitts, trash bags and laundry soap.
Exchange Club happenings
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