On Aug. 1, two bridges along Hodgen Road, about .3 and .7 miles east of Black Forest Road were closed for a deck replacement project. Detours are in place until the work is completed.The project includes replacement of the bridge decks, sand blasting and painting the bridge structures, repaving roadway bridge approach areas and guardrail repair. †County road and bridge crews will complete the Hodgen Road bridge deck replacement project, except for the asphalt work, with funding from the El Paso County Road and Bridge Fund. A typical El Paso County homeowner with a $235,000 home contributes less than $3 per year in property taxes to the fund. El Paso County receives no funds from the city of Colorado Springs sales tax, referred to as the ìpothole tax,î recently approved by city voters.El Paso County is responsible for 270 bridges on county roads and suburban streets. †Nine of those are old wooden bridges; 55 are steel deck designs and the rest are concrete box culvert designs.On May 9, county workers completed a North Meridian road bridge deck project at a total cost of $135,000 for two spans, including new steel deck and repaving the bridge approaches.