- On Aug. 1, 1876, President Ulysses S. Grant signed a proclamation admitting Colorado as a state. Colorado Day was celebrated as a state holiday on Aug. 1 for many years; later, it was moved to the first Monday in August.
- Colorado fares well in the business startup category nationwide. With 1 as the best and 25 as average, hereís how Colorado stands. Colorado is sixth in the nation for growth in the number of small businesses; it is 15th in length of work week in hours; No. 27 in industry variety. Colorado is second in the share of a college-educated population; and fourth in business startups per capita. Colorado ranks 10th in the best states to start a business. Source: WalletHub; for more information on the report visit https://wallethub.com/edu/best-states-to-start-a-business/36934/