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Community Calendar

Community Outreach Coalition: update

The Department of Human Services is the only agency that has started holding office hours in person on Wednesdays.The monthly COC Coalition Networking meetings, where any agency and all rural community members are encouraged to attend, will be starting up again on Wednesday, Oct. 21.†The first meeting took place in 2011 at the Calhan United Methodist Church.†Everyone who attended wanted to help get the word out about all the agencies that provide assistance to rural residents. They also wanted to establish networking opportunities. The meetings have been consistent, until March when COVID shut everything down.Fran Dorrance from The Independence Center (719-659-3635, and Cindy Stutz from TESSA (719-243-4833, will be facilitating the networking meetings beginning Oct. 21 via Zoom.†Contact either of them if you would like to be on the distribution list.For more information on the coalition, contact Calvin or Patty Jolly, 719-347-7638, or Deb Drew, 719-347-3122, or visit the website at

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