In September, The New Falcon Herald looked at the extra challenges that people with disabilities face when living in rural areas ó the biggest issues are isolation and an overall lack of resources.Non-compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act can also be a major issue. This month, the NFH focused on how those same challenges affect the elderly in rural areas, especially those who also have physical limitations.The Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law by George H. W. Bush in 1990 and guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities to participate in daily, mainstream American life, according to the ADA website.According to the NFH article, rural areas are often behind in ensuring businesses are in compliance with ADA regulations, particularly regarding wheelchair accessibility. However, by requiring certain adjustments to comply with those regulations, businesses could be inadvertently creating new issues.Dallis Esarey, a retiree living in Yoder for the past 21 years, said he spends about three to four months out of the year confined to a wheelchair because of previous injuries to his legs. But he and his wife refuse to just sit at home, so Esarey said they often head into Falcon, which is where they first noticed a new challenge: curb ramps with bumps known as detectable warnings.According to the Department of Transportationís ADA standards (found on the United States Access Boardís website), detectable warnings must consist of a surface of truncated domes with specific base and top diameters, height, spacing and contrast.ìThese detailed criteria provide a distinctive texture intended to have a uniform meaning in alerting persons to the approach to vehicular areas,î the website states.Esarey said he understands that the ramps with detectable warnings are meant to make things better, but he feels they are making things worse.ìI have gone down in a wheelchair and they (detectable warning bumps) shoved me over to one side, and I almost fell off the sidewalk,î he said. ìIt changes the direction you are going, hitting those knobs.îThe curb ramp in front of Walgreens in Falcon has detectable warnings; but, according to the Access Boardís website, ìSpecifically, the curb ramp requirements apply only to public transportation facilities covered by DOTís ADA standards. Curb ramps at other facilities are not required to have detectable warnings.îEsarey said he appreciates the effort to help elderly people with disabilities and wheelchair bound people; however, he thinks there is probably a better solution than using raised bumps on the sidewalk ramps.Esarey and his wife are able to drive to Falcon, but many in the aging population are homebound. Gretchen Bricker said immobility issues are a huge challenge for many elderly residents living in rural areas. Bricker is the supervisor of the direct services team with the Area Agency on Aging Department of the Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments and said having a transportation method, like the envida bus that runs from eastern El Paso County to Colorado Springs, has made a big difference for many elderly folks.ìIf they do not drive, they can get pretty isolated, which then contributes to social isolation,î she said. ìThose two things can affect someoneís ability to live individually and be successful.îThe overall lack of resources to help the aging population is the biggest concern, Bricker said. People do not know where to go for help or what type of help is available. She said it often takes a movement by the community to bring awareness to those in a position to provide some of those services. And there are funds available to address the needs, Bricker said.The AAA department receives federal funding, and service providers can apply for the funding, which is then doled out in grant form to qualified providers, she said. The agency has an annual application period where service providers can apply for the funding, Bricker said.ìWe have an annual evaluation by the state to review those service providers and make sure we are providing the resources for those who are most needy,î she said. ìWe will focus on meeting the needs of those people as long as we have providers in those areas that we can grant the funds to.îBricker said it is not difficult to see where a need exists with elderly residents in rural locations. The need might include helping with chores around their house or property ó mowing the lawn, shoveling snow off the driveway; or ensuring there is a consistent source of healthy meals, she said.ìGood nutrition can be a problem,î Bricker said. ìThe AAA contracts with providers that have applied for funding to bring home-delivered meals to rural areas.îThe bottom line is that there are services available to the aging population; knowing where to find those services is a step in the right direction, Bricker said. By calling the AAA, those in need of services can get information through the help of trained volunteers who have knowledge and access to finding resources in the county, she said.ìWe will give them whatever resources we can possibly give them,î Bricker said. ìWe cannot follow up with them, but we can give them the information about who to call to find out about services and availability.î(Area Agency on Aging: 719-471-2096)