Paint Brush Hills subdivisionThe El Paso County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved a request by Aeroplaza Fountain LLC and Heidi LLC for preliminary plans to create 224 single-family residential lots on 88.63 acres in the Paint Brush Hills subdivision. The property is located at the northwest corner of Keating Drive and Devoncove Drive, about 1.25 miles northwest of the Meridian Road and Londonderry Drive intersection. It is zoned residential suburban-6,000 and RS-20,000 and included within the boundaries of the Falcon/Peyton Small Area Master Plan and the Black Forest Preservation Plan.Rex Road at Meridian Road intersection projectThe commissioners unanimously approved a request for a contract amendment resulting in a change order to AECOM Technical Services Inc. for civil engineering design services for the Rex Road at Meridian Road intersection project for $333,100. The amendment provides professional services to complete the final design of the project, including finalization of the construction plans and specifications, right-of-way plans and subsurface utility engineering plans.EPC FairgroundsThe BOCC unanimously approved a contract and purchase order to Pyramid Construction Inc. for the Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility improvements at the Fairgrounds North parking lot for $179,965. Improvements will bring the parking lot up to ADA capability and standards. The project has a target completion date of June 30, in preparation for the EPC Fair July 10.Winsome subdivisionThe commissioners unanimously approved a preliminary release of credit for subdivision improvements for the Winsome Filing No. 1 subdivision for $330,001.80. All improvements have been completed and inspected.Rolling Hills Ranch subdivisionThe BOCC unanimously approved the preliminary release of a bond for subdivision improvements for the Rolling Hills Ranch subdivision for $2,015,139.00. All improvements have been completed and inspected.Wyoming Estates minor subdivisionThe commissioners unanimously approved a request by Home Run Restorations Inc. for a minor subdivision to create four single-family residential lots on 40.01 acres in the Wyoming Estates. The property, zoned RR-5, is located on the west side of Curtis Road, about 2.75 miles north of Highway 94. The lots will measure as follows: 5.15 acres, 5.08 acres, 5.06 acre and 21.19 acres, with 3.53 acres dedicated for future public right of way. The property is included within the boundaries of the 2003 Highway 94 Comprehensive Plan.Homestead North at Sterling Ranch subdivisionThe EPC planning commission unanimously approved a request by SR Land LLC to rezone 65.29 acres from RR-5 to RS-6,000 in the Homestead North at Sterling Ranch subdivision. The property is located at the northeast corner of the Vollmer Road and Briargate Parkway intersection and included within the boundaries of the Falcon/Peyton Small Area Master Plan and the Black Forest Preservation Plan.