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Black Forest AARP

The Feb. 8 meeting of the Black Forest AARP Chapter # 1100 featured two exceptional†guests. Jeremiah Mora, Associate AARP State Director-Community Outreach from Denver, presided at a celebration of the chapter officers elected for 2017. Jeremiah,†representing the AARP Colorado State Office, administered the Oath of Office to the new 2017†chapter officers.† † † † †Black Forest Assistant Fire Chief Jim Rebitski also presented information on what to do and not to do while waiting for police and medical assistance if someone happens to witness a traffic accident. Calling 911 first is extremely important. Chief†Rebitski discussed safety measures necessary in a traffic accident situation, and the reasons proper procedures are critical to the†safety of the accident victims and the person who has stopped to assist. †† † † † †Prior to the meeting, the chapter also recognized February as ìHeart Monthî by hosting a two-hour†presentation by Chief Rebitski, outlining the varied signs of a possible heart attack or stroke in men and women. Twenty-five people attended the free program, which was open to the public. The audience learned that indicators of a heart attack for women are different than the indicators for men. The chief stressed that if in doubt about the condition or wishes of†the distressed person, immediate action is needed to get the person to a hospital where doctors can†accurately diagnose and combat the situation. Individuals were cautioned not to†delay taking action or attempt to drive themselves or friends/family to the hospital. Calling 911†for an ambulance is the best way to transport someone to the hospital; plus, paramedics can save valuable time by starting the medical treatment en route to the hospital and also by expediting the hospital admission paperwork.† † † † †After the usual potluck lunch and program, Patricia Dix, chapter vice president, held a short chapter business meeting. †She covered several pending subjects on the chapter operation,†and reminded the membership that the March chapter meeting will take place at a buffet in downtown†Colorado Springs. The chapter has outings such as this twice a year, as well as a picnic in July at a†local park. Several committees provided brief reports on activities throughout the month. Linda Siebe updated the chapter on the volunteer transportation service†and the Colorado State Forest Service program to provide seedling trees†and small shrubbery for home landscaping. Two new members were also welcomed to the chapter.Individuals interested in visiting or joining the Black Forest Chapter can contact Pat at 719-418-5347 or Stan at 719-596-6787.

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