At the January meeting of the Black Forest AARP Chapter, the 2015 officers were installed, with Jeremiah Mora, AARP Colorado Associate State Director for Community Outreach presiding. The ceremony also awarded the AARP Colorado Platinum Award and Trophy to the Black Forest Chapter #1100, along with $250. This is the sixth consecutive year the Black Forest Chapter has been chosen as the best chapter in Colorado for community service.The 2015 chapter officers are Charles Karlstrum, president; Don Von Gunden, vice president; Lin Rozak, secretary; Shirley Karlstrum, treasurer; and Alberta Davis, Royce Brown, Linda Siebe, Stan Beckner, and Edna Eaton as chapter board members. Mr. Mora also presented Charles Karlstrum with a Special Appreciation Award, on behalf of AARP Colorado, for his years of outstanding service to the chapter and community.After a delicious potluck lunch, Don Von Gunden provided an update on recent federal tax laws. President Karlstrum reminded everyone about the upcoming Stroke and Heart Attack Recognition Class on Feb. 11 and the Driverís Safety Class on March 9 ó both are free and open to the public. For additional information on these events, call Chuck at 719-749-9227 or visit the chapter website at The members were also alerted to several other membership community service opportunities scheduled for later this summer.