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Monkey Business

Where is the editor?

  • Headline from the Seattle PostIntelligencer: ìMom Warns Son to ëWatch Out for Idiots;í Rear‑Ends His Motorcycle.î
  • Spotted in the classifieds: ìFor sale: cemetery plot, $200, so I donít have to spend all eternity beside my ex!î Anthony Cialella, New Castle, Pennsylvania
  • ìNow hiring,î read the classified ad.ìCemetery superintendent. The ideal candidate must be able to supervise in a fast-paced environment.î A. S., via Internet
  • ìAppleton Airport May Soon Be Known as Appleton Airportî Allison Nastoff, Brookfield, Wisconsin
  • Stolen Prosthetic Arm Discovered in a Secondhand Shop, Daily Echo, England

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