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It’s Thanksgiving and time for the stories

Two grandmas & extra ingredientsìFound grandma’s wedding ring in the turkey one year Ö she did not even know it was not on her finger.î”My grandma accidentally poured dish soap on the turkey instead of oil Ö might have been one of the funniest but most upsetting things Iíve ever seen.îCatnapsWhen the time came to serve Thanksgiving dinner, I mashed the potatoes and spooned them into a beautiful serving bowl. I turned away to get a carving knife for the turkey, and when I glanced back at the bowl of mashed potatoes, I was horrified to see Pepper the cat had decided it was the right place for a nap! Speechlessly I tugged on my wifeís shirt and nodded toward the bowl. Her eyes widened in disbelief, but we composed ourselves, shooed Pepper out of the bowl and scraped off the top layer of potatoes.ó William C. Noren in†North Plainfield, New JerseyThe ArtistWe were in charge of all the pies for dessert. My wife is known for her pie-making abilities, and had made a beautiful assortment. We left the pies on the table and went to finish getting ready for dinner. While we were getting dressed, our 5-year-old decided to help mom with the pie. He grabbed the salt (the one with a single hole) and proceeded to add whimsical designs across the pumpkin, coconut cream, cherry nut, and peanut butter swirl pies.ó Scott, Philadelphia, PA

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