In October, The New Falcon Herald published an article about plans to establish a Veterans of Foreign Wars Post in Falcon. Thirty people showed up at the June 2023 initial meeting to garner support for the new post. The number of attendees increased at the July and August meetings; and, in September, 80 people showed up.
And now the VFW Post in Falcon is officially up and running. Ric Chavez has been elected the new commander of the “SGM James Gregory ‘Ryan’ Sartor” Post 12227.”
The official name honors a local hero, Sgt. Maj. James Gregory “Ryan” Sartor, who died conducting combat operations in Faryab province, Afghanistan. “It is an honor to be allowed to use his name for this Post, and we plan to be as amazing as he was. I cannot stress how honored we are to be privileged to use his name with the support of his family. It is very special to us.”
Current leaders live within the Falcon community, and Post 12227 membership is increasing every day.
The next meeting is Dec. 19 at 6:30 p.m. at the Falcon Fire Protection District at 7030 Old Meridian Road.
Starting in 2024, Post 12227 meetings will be held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at the same location and time listed above.
For more information or to join, visit