It was unidentified. It was flying (at least floating). And it was definitely an object. Those three criteria meet the definition of a UFO, so what my wife and I filmed over the beautiful hamlet of Falcon was a bonafide UFO.Not only did we see it and film it on March 6, my wife posted it on YouTube. The footage, which runs about three-and-a-half minutes total, shows the shaky, sometimes steady, image of a singular seemingly metallic object hovering motionless over the Falcon sky. It was our first day-time sighting. (We have seen a bevy of strange nocturnal lights over our farm in Ramah throughout the years there). This recent footage is laced with nervous humorous conversations and a few choice expletives (our apologies). What can’t be disputed is how weird the object is.It doesnít appear to have been a conventional aircraft, a drone, a hot air or mylar balloon, nor some wayward piece of random floating debris. For all intentions, what we filmed was a UFO. Although, that is not to say it was an extraterrestrial spacecraft. But it was definitely weird. What’s weirder still is how the posted footage took off and gained a life of its own. As of now, our three-and-a-half minute clip has been featured on the YouTube UFO site Mavi777, as well as a Mexican-based UFO channel, Ovnis Actualis ó that live-streamed footage appeared March 7. Plus, there has already been other requests for permission to use our footage on a variety of YouTube channels, including another one based in Mexico.In closing, I say, keep your eyes to the sky, and your minds open. You’ll never know just what you might see ó or film.