Despite the stress of the Black Forest fire and having to evacuate for four days (her home was saved), Carlie Andersen of Black Forest kept up her baton skills and participated in the 2013 Festival of the Future, which is part of the U.S. National Baton Twirling Championships. The event took place July 13 to July 18 in Daytona Beach, Fla. Almost 900 twirlers from 26 states competed.Andersen had a no-drop performance in the 14-15 age category intermediate presentation, which combines twirling with dance and gymnastics. She won fourth place. Shortly after, she broke her little finger and pulled her hamstring but still competed in another baton category.Andersen is homeschooled and volunteers at the YMCA helping with baton, cheerleading, gymnastics and dance classes. She is also an assistant coach for the Pikes Peak Twirlers, a baton twirling group founded and directed by her mother, Krissy Andersen. For more information about the sport of baton twirling or the Pikes Peak Twirlers, contact Krissy Andersen at