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Mark's Meanderings. by Mark Stoller

The Spirit of Christmas

Mark Stoller moved to Falcon in 2007.†He and his wife, Andra, both U.S. Air Force veterans, enjoy life with their daughters, extended family and adopted rescue dogs in Latigo. Mark savors the privilege of his wife and daughters being his muse for topics, people to meet and places to investigate.

Christmas season has arrived, and I am questioning whether I gave a thoughtful gift to an extended family member since last Christmas.Previously, I have shared how my friend Jon and I talked at length on why we donít give thoughtful gifts to our loved ones throughout the year, except only on Dec. 25.We agreed Christmas could really be called ó the Season of Obligatory Giving.That thought caused me to research the ìSpirit of Christmas.îFrom Thrive Global, I found, ìWe, as people, are what makes Christmas what it is. Many aspects make up the Spirit of Christmas. Giving, hope, good cheer, love, understanding, helping, goodwill towards men. These are the feelings of Christmas that go along with this beautiful holiday.îI found gift giving goes back to pre-Jesus times of the Romans and the Norse.Today, the reason for gifting varies from person-to-person. However, we can categorize it with imitating the Magi who gave gifts to Jesus: for love of our friends and family; gestures of gratitude for teachers and colleagues; and the nostalgia of children opening gifts.Jeff Goins is a columnist who, like me, wondered if his heart was in the right place or was he a Scrooge (pre-3 ghost visit) about Christmas.Many of us are blessed enough to ask our loved ones, ìDid you get everything you wanted for Christmas?î while others wonder whether they have food for their next meal.Goins discovered that, from bringing gifts to and hanging out with a homeless community under a Nashville bridge, ìChristmas belongs to the poor.†Let’s not forget that. We should be raising our glasses to them, to the outcast and the hungry, the handicapped and oppressed. Christmas is about compassion.îIf the Spirit of Christmas is about compassion, then we can look outside our Amazon list of wants and give to those in need.Last month, I wrote about the supply chain shortages affecting our purchasing abilities. Financial donations have an immediate path to their intended recipients.We could talk to our children, young and grown, about selecting a charity that makes a difference in the world. Many are happy to process a gift in the name of your loved one.Locally, Colorado Springsí charitable organizations, including Christmas Unlimited, serving the Pikes Peak region since 1923; Salvation Army; Care and Share Food Bank; and High Plains Helping Hands/Fresh Start Center on Woodmen and Black Forest Road will help ease the food insecurity of Falcon area families.Samaritanís Purse sponsors Operation Christmas Child ó shoeboxes filled with toys, school supplies and hygiene items that are collected for children worldwide. ìSince 1993, over 188 million children in 170 countries and territories have received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox.î ( Empowered To Protect African Wildlife (VETPAW) ñ- VETPAW is a group of post 9/11 U.S. veterans with combat skills who are committed to protecting and training park rangers to combat poaching on the ground in Africa. American military veterans have a new mission in life by protecting elephants and rhinos from extinction. ( to the Heifer Project, ìGiving an animal is like giving someone a small business, providing wool, milk, eggs and more.î Animal donations can provide families a hand up, increasing access to medicine, school, food and a sustainable livelihood. Your animal donation will support the lives of families in need. The one you choose is up to you.î ( International, which is headquartered in Colorado Springs, sponsors an African, Caribbean, Central or South American orphaned childís school, medical and food needs for $38 each month. (, I do not need the ghosts of Christmas past/present/future to experience the spirit of Christmas this year.I do wish you and yours a fulfilling and Merry Christmas.

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