State Farm insurance agent Kevin Koenke will be moving into a new office in Falcon in November. The agency has been located in The State Bank’s building off Woodmen Road and McLaughlin Road for 10 years. The new location is Meridian Market View, across the parking lot from Walmart.The move represents new and larger opportunities for Koenke and his agency. ìWe just needed to get to where we’re more visible and make it easier for customers to get in and out,î Koenke said. ìIt will allow me to have more employees over there as well.îOnce the build-out is finished and the agency is settled in, he expects to hire someone new for the agency in early 2016, Koenke said.A grand opening is tentatively scheduled for mid-November, after the office’s soft opening in early November. ìAfter the phones are in and everything’s ready, in the middle of November we will have a grand opening and customer appreciation for everyone to come see the new office,î Koenke said.
State Farm agent moving to new location
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