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Falcon Fire Protection District (FFPD)

Safety tip: fireworks

Every year in the United States, fireworks cause thousands of injuries and millions of dollars in property damage; according to statistics from the National Fire Protection Association. The Consumer Product Safety Commission reported that seemingly innocuous sparklers, fountains and novelties accounted for 25 percent of fireworks-related injuries treated in U.S. emergency rooms in 2012.For those reasons, the Falcon Fire Protection District encourages everyone to enjoy professional fireworks displays such as the Independence Day Celebration at Meridian Ranch July 3. Here is information about fireworks use in unincorporated areas of El Paso County.

  • All fireworks use is subject to fire restrictions issued by the El Paso County Sheriffís Office.
  • Fireworks that do not fly through the air, explode or shoot balls of flame are generally legal in unincorporated areas of El Paso County.
  • Permissible fireworks include fountains, ground spinners, smoke bombs, sparklers and small cars/tanks with pyrotechnics.
  • Unlawful fireworks include bottle rockets, firecrackers of any type, mortars and Roman candles.
  • Always keep some sort of water supply (garden hose, bucket of water) close at hand while using fireworks.
  • If fireworks use results in a fire and/or property damage, the person who set off the fireworks will be held responsible and could even face charges under state arson statutes.
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