As rain poured down early on a Thursday evening in Black Forest, Tim Wight of Black Forest was enjoying a hot meal at Firehouse on the Run inside the Phillips 66 gas station at the corner of Shoup and Black Forest roads.While the rain continued, Wight, age 72, and a Wyoming native who worked for 45 years in the construction business before retiring, talked with The New Falcon Herald about everything from life in Black Forest to his favorite summer pastimes to his biggest inspiration.NFH: How long have you lived in Black Forest?Wight: A little over 10 years nowNFH: What brought you to Black Forest?Wight: I retired when I was 65 and thought Black Forest would be a great place to settle down. My wife and I had a house that was too big back home in Wyoming, with our kids all grown up and out of the house and our grandchildren growing up and going off to college. We wanted to downsize a bit, and weíd visited Black Forest before when some old friends used to live out this way.NFH: What is your favorite spot in Black Forest and why?Wight: Thatís a great question. I wouldnít say I have a favorite spot, but more like I enjoy the whole town. There are parks; youíre surrounded by trees and nature. I like the quiet solitude of Black Forest. I like being surrounded by trees.NFH: What is your favorite thing about living in Black Forest?Wight: Probably the quiet, like I said. And the fact that you have so much space ó although Black Forest is growing.NFH: Is there anything you would change about Black Forest?Wight: I donít think so. Maybe Iíd like to see it get smaller. Itís growing, more people are coming out here. I canít blame them, though. Itís a beautiful place to live.NFH: What is your favorite thing to do in the summer?Wight: When I was younger, I liked to barbecue. Nowadays, I enjoy spending time in the shade of a tree with a book, or spending long summer days with my wife and our kids when they come to visit. Iím more of a homebody now than I ever have been.NFH: If you could go back in time to any decade/era, which would you choose and why?Wight: See, I grew up in the ë50s. I was lucky, and I had a good childhood. I really think that was a golden era for our country. I think I would like to go back to that time again.NFH: What is your favorite ice cream flavor?Wight: Iíd say probably vanilla or butter pecan ó classic flavors.NFH: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?Wight: When I was a kid, I wanted to be a firefighter or a policeman – you know, the typical stuff. But I was always good with my hands, and I always had the gift of patience. I got into construction when I was in my early 20s. Iíve helped build houses, barns, fences ó you name it. I always liked it. It cleared my head.NFH: What song always brightens your day?Wight: Oh, thatís a tough one. I donít know if I can pick. Anything by Elvis ó I like those oldies, that Tom Jones, Chuck Berry, Johnny Cash, Frank Sinatra. Thereís so much soul in it.NFH: Who is your biggest inspiration, or whom do you look up to the most?Wight: Iíd have to say my dad. He and my mom raised seven children. My dad owned his own business; nothing too big ó a convenience store on the corner. He worked very hard to take care of his family. We always had what we needed and never went hungry, even if money was tight some years. His work ethic really taught me how to put my best into everything I did.Mr. Wight declined to have his photo in the paper.