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Notes from the Falcon School/Business Alliance Meeting

This year’s first Falcon District 49 Business Alliance meeting was held on Aug.Tom Bradley, the alliance co-chair welcomed the 30-plus business people and school officials in attendance.Kjersten Forseth announced that the Commitment for Kids door-to-door campaign, soliciting support for the upcoming November election bond issue starts this week.Four teachers discussed their experiences with the “teacher in the workplace” program: Jennifer Cade, Victoria Gates, Dan Unruh and Brian Green. The four discussed how their workplace experience relates to the classroom experience.COMMITTEE REPORTS:Marketing – Al Green updated the group on the progress of the Web site (www.d49.org). He is still working on site substance on the site, and said the “Join the Alliance” brochure is going to be re-created and included on the site.Internship – A full-time internship coordinator position has been posted for the district. School officials are taking the internship program seriously and expect in two years they will have 100 internships available. The program occurs between the junior and senior year and the beginning of the senior year.District 49 is recruiting area businesses to participate in the program. They are also working on a federal grant to help fund the program. Businesses that participate will be listed in the “Join the Alliance” brochure.In addition to local businesses participating in the internship program, Jay Hahn (494-8779 office, jhahn@d49.org) is seeking donations for specific items needed in the district, i.e. piano, scoreboard, risers, art supplies, etc.In the next few weeks, local businesses will receive a letter asking for their donations. Don Root suggested that Jay Hahn contact the Falcon Professional Development League for names and addresses of local businesses that may be interested in donating. Contributors will be listed on the Web site (including a link to that business), on sports calendars, scoreboards, etc.Mentorship – Ted Edwards talked about the obstacles the committee faces. More committee members are needed, and they are trying to figure out how to recruit mentors. District 49 would like to develop a survey for teachers to see if they feel the program is worthwhile and to determine which areas of study they would like to target (technology, arts, math, etc.).The next meeting is scheduled on Sept. 30.

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