The Jan. 9 meeting of the Black Forest AARP Chapter 1100 featured lunch followed by the installation of the chapter officers for 2013. Steve Merrill, Colorado AARP executive council, installed the new officers.Chapter guests Amy Thompson and Kelley Franklin from the Wal-Mart Vision Center in Falcon provided free vision screening and eyeglass adjustments for chapter members.The Feb. 13 chapter meeting will include free instruction on how to recognize and react to heart attack and stroke symptoms.† Personnel from the Black Forest Fire and Rescue will provide the class from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Lunch will follow at noon.† All are welcome.† The Black Forest AARP Chapter meets the second Wednesday of most months in the Fellowship Hall of the Black Forest Lutheran Church.† Visit the chapter website at††or contact Chuck at 719-749-9227 for chapter activities and membership details.