When the class of 2013 reported for basic training at the U.S. Air Force Academy this summer, they knew it was going to be tough. Jacks Valley always looms as the ultimate physical test for the “doolies;” however, one out of 10 cadets also faced another physical challenge: the H1N1 virus. Thankfully, their flu symptoms have been relatively mild and no cadet required hospitalization. But there’s no denying the swine flu is alive and well in Colorado.It thrives in large crowds, spreading as infected people cough or sneeze. The virus can live for about two hours after being deposited on papers, cafeteria tables, dirty hands, keyboards and doorknobs. And unlike seasonal flu, which mainly affects the elderly, the H1N1 virus targets children and young adults. Don’t be surprised if your child brings home more than forms to be filled out when they return to school this month.Last spring, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended closing any school with a confirmed case of H1N1. Schools were then disinfected, but it was later discovered these measures do little to stop the spread of flu. When the virus proved to be less virulent than first expected, the CDC said schools should only be closed when flu-related absenteeism “interferes with the school’s ability to function.” However, that doesn’t mean Falcon School District 49 officials are taking the swine flu threat lightly.Amanda Mountain, senior communication specialist for District 49, said, “The district is working closely with the El Paso County Health Department and the CDC so we will be prepared should a flu outbreak occur.” If cases of the H1N1 virus are confirmed, both the severity and number of flu cases will be considered when determining school closures. Mountain said plans are also in place to remind students to practice regular hand washing and other hygienic practices that limit the spread of illness. But, as the CDC Web site indicates, parents are the first line of defense in preventing a widespread flu outbreak.Containing the flu is impossible if sick children are sent to school. So, it’s time for parents to examine their “emergency” child care plan. Who will care for your child if they get the flu? According to CDC reports, “studies have shown that people may be contagious from one day before they develop symptoms to up to seven days after they get sick. Children, especially younger children, might potentially be contagious for longer periods.” As a result, they’re recommending that any infected student or school staff member remain home for seven days after his or her first flu symptoms appear.That’s a long time for anyone to be out of work. And, as all working parents know, finding day care is hard enough, but finding someone to care for a sick child is next to impossible. However, a little preparation now may save a lot of headaches later. Start discussing work options with your employer and spouse. Look for help within the neighborhood. Current high unemployment rates may actually increase your chances of finding child care.While shopping for the final school supplies, parents may also want to stock up on beverages, chicken broth, JELLO and popsicles. All that most flu victims need is lots of rest and liquids. If your child has a fever, cough, sore throat, headache or chills, keep him or her home! These are all early symptoms of the flu. Many people infected with H1N1 also experience diarrhea and vomiting. If your child exhibits any one of the more serious symptoms listed below, the CDC states it’s time to seek immediate medical care.
- Fast breathing or trouble breathing
- Bluish or gray skin color
- Not drinking enough fluids
- Severe or persistent vomiting
- Not waking up or not interacting
- Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
- Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough