Control over growth and the idea of Colorado Springs annexing Falcon were two of the main reasons more than 30 people attended a December meeting on a possible Falcon incorporation. Attendees were interested in learning more about the pros and cons and the process of becoming a city.Art Van Sant, Falcon commercial property owner and communitywide activist, and Jean Woolsey, owner of Falcon Storage Center on Highway 24, led the meeting. Van Sant and Woolsey have been coordinating efforts to research the possibility of Falcon incorporating for several months. The two have met with the Black Forest group that also has been looking into incorporating, and with Peyton representatives. If Black Forest goes to the polls to incorporate, it will be their third attempt.Van Sant said many of the eastern towns like Calhan, Simla and Ramah became cities because of the area’s railroad history. But what’s driving the Falcon effort is a rapidly growing residential and commercial area, all dictated by the county.Van Sant and Woolsey also presented a map of the Falcon preliminary incorporation boundaries outlined in coordination with the Black Forest group. Van Sant reiterated that the boundaries are not set in stone. He also reminded attendees that the boundaries are not determined by either the fire district or school district boundaries. “The school district and the fire district are completely separate,” Van Sant said.Attendees, some business owners – the majority residents – asked pertinent questions. How do we finance the effort? How many businesses are needed before incorporation is financially viable? Is a Colorado Springs annexation a threat? Where does the money come from for fire and police needs? How is the new city financed?Van Sant said more than 80 percent of city funding comes from a local sales tax. The remainder is funded through water tap fees and “kickbacks” from the state.He estimated that it would take at least $2 million to run the town of Falcon. One resident inquired about the amount of Falcon’s current sales taxes. That’s one of a few questions that remain unanswered – one reason Van Sant and Woolsey are seeking help from the community. “We are not going to misrepresent anything, and we don’t want to paint an unrealistic picture,” Van Sant said. “We won’t deceive people, and we won’t go out until we are ready. This has to be understood.”Many developers and business owners have not yet been contacted. But Van Sant and Woolsey have plans to connect with everyone.Also discussed at the meeting were utilities issues, specifically regarding Colorado Springs and Mountain View and any potential boundary crossovers between the two. And what would prompt the city of Colorado Springs to annex Falcon? Van Sant conceded it’s a tough question but, “The more development and infrastructure that continues, the more they are likely to look at annexation.”Van Sant also estimated the population of Falcon to be about 10,000 or 11,000 and that could be low, he said. The much-talked-about Sante Fe Springs development is not included in the preliminary boundaries, which encompasses about 70 square miles.What does incorporation mean to the average resident? It’s a sense of independence and freedom and the chance to weigh in on decisions that are currently made exclusively by the county, Van Sant said and others chimed in. “I think there is a growing desire for Falcon to be independent of the county,” he said. “It means an additional 2 percent sales tax, too.”Cities can contract with outside fire and police departments, but Van Sant and Woolsey are advocates of Falcon administering its own fire and police protection units. “I don’t think the services should be outsourced,” Van Sant said. “We need to keep the control – and be able to set our own priorities.”Others talked about the area outgrowing the current county services.Is a $2 million budget realistic for the proposed city of Falcon? Van Sant said Calhan manages its city operations on a low budget. And Black Forest has estimated that it would cost approximately $100 per resident to incorporate. Of course, he reiterated, Black Forest has fewer residents than Falcon.Van Sant assured the audience that the move toward incorporation, if that is what is decided by the newly formed committee, is not going to be about guesswork. “We will know what it takes to start,” he said. “And this is a two- to five-year deal.” In other words, it isn’t going to happen overnight. It’s a process, Van Sant continued.He said Centennial, Colo., with a population of about 100,000, was the latest to incorporate. Van Sant explained there are plenty of growing pains that go along with incorporation. “There is no pretense about the fact the “town” wouldn’t come for nothing – there is a price to be paid,” he said.Falcon resident Jerry Medford has been in the midst of city government in the past, and he expressed hesitation about incorporating at this time. “I am not sure we are ready for this,” Medford said. “It might be a bit too early, and maybe we are moving too fast. Maybe it’s better we look at this later on.” However, Medford concurred with the majority that perhaps the time is now to address the possibilities for the future. And Van Sant said it all: “If people don’t want it, they’ll vote against it.”The next meeting on a potential Falcon incorporation is Thurs., Jan. 20 at the Falcon Middle School at 7 p.m. (See news briefs for more information.) Meanwhile, complete the following survey and send via e-mail to or send via ground mail to The New Falcon Herald: 7643 McLaughlin Rd., Box #141, Falcon, 80831.It’s your chance to have a say in your community!Survey on Falcon’s incorporation1. Do you favor Falcon incorporating as a city? Yes ____ No ____2. Are you against Falcon incorporating as a city? Yes ____ No ___3. Undecided (please check) ____4. If you favor the incorporation, please choose one of the following:Should Falcon incorporate within two years? ____Should Falcon incorporate within four years? ____Are you interested in volunteering with the committee to incorporate? Yes ____ No ____Again, e-mail your responses to or send via ground mail to the above address.