Submitted By Donna Evanoika Mitchell of Travel LeadersDoing good may be its own reward, but Disney has come up with a way to make the reward even sweeter. To inspire a million people to volunteer, Disney is offering free, one-day admission to a Disney theme park in exchange for a day of service to a participating organization.To qualify for Disney’s “Give a Day, Get a Disney Day” program, volunteers must pre-register at where there is a list of participating organizations and available qualifying opportunities located in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Canada. Many of these opportunities are designed for families.A volunteer must be 18 or older to sign up and up to eight members of the household can be registered. Children must be at least 6 years old to participate. Disney will provide one ticket per person, regardless of how many times a volunteer provides a day of service. The program began Jan. 1 of this year and will continue until Dec. 15 or until all of the one million tickets have been distributed, whichever comes first.After completion of a day of service, the organization for which you volunteer will send a report of service to Disney. In turn, Disney will send the volunteer an e-mail with a voucher redeemable any time before Dec. 15 at any Disneyland Resort or Walt Disney World Resort.
Give a day of volunteering, get a day of Disney
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