It has been a tough 10 days with the Black Forest Fire forcing us to evacuate, the fire having destroying and damaging the homes and/or out buildings of many Wild Blue friends, including our awesome veterinary partner, Black Forest Veterinary Clinic.As tragedy brings pain and sadness, it also brings out the generosity and kindness in people who want to help those who are struggling, even the animals, especially the animals.We are fortunate and thankful to all the volunteers and fosters who helped us evacuate the rescue animals (and my animals, too!). †We are thankful to Happy Cats Haven and Pine Creek Vet Hospital who took in several of our cats/kittens when fosters who offered to take kitties in on Day 1 had to evacuate themselves.The emails came in from Best Friends Animal Society, asking how they could help. †Because Black Forest Vet was destroyed, we lost expensive vaccines, snap tests and microchips that we kept there. †Best Friends stepped up to provide us financial aid in the amount of $1,000 to replace those supplies! †They are also organizing a shipment of 15,000 to 20,000 pounds of Blue Buffalo cat, kitten, dog and puppy food for its Network Partners here in Colorado Springs, which includes Wild Blue Animal Rescue and Sanctuary, Happy Cats Haven and All Breed Training and Rescue (dogs). †We are allowed to use and distribute this food to benefit anyone who needs help for their animals as a result of the fire. †In addition, when Sherri posted to our Facebook page that we could use monetary donations to help with vet bills, as several of our kittens and cats were experiencing issues as a result of the stress of the evacuation, smoke, etc.; we received over $1,000 in donations to our website in one day. †I had also asked that people give to Happy Cats Haven since they took in 20 of our kittens/cats, and they received at least $300 that day! Steve Rothman (WBARS dog foster) took in my four horses, Dr Erin’s horse, and three others Clara and I found wandering in the evacuation zone. Best Friends immediately sent money to have 45 bales of hay delivered to him for these horses! †Dr. Mohr is working to reopen Black Forest Vet Clinic across the street from his previous site. †We are anxious to help him and all the BF staff move in once they are ready.Bottom line is that we are all going to get through this. †The stress, emotional upheaval, sadness and pain we have all been dealing with at varying levels will subside because the good will of others will shine through the darkness and lead us to a better place.I could not have been more pleased and humbled by the sight of so many of our volunteers, led by Cassandra and Mike. And Shirley made the rounds to various foster homes and Happy Cats Haven checking in on our kitties. Dr. Cristy took in lots of animal evacuees, including some of ours, and then shared the donations she received with WBARS …. it goes on and on.Now we look forward to our friends and neighbors throughout our area to step up to adopt our wonderful cats/kittens. †The animals have been through a lot and could certainly use the extra love and attention they can only get from a forever home.Thank you all!Lauri Cross, Executive Director,Wild Blue Animal Rescue and Sanctuary