From the Publisher

From the Publisher

Only minutes before sunrise, the full moon still lingers in the muted dark sky, reigning over the beautiful Colorado landscape.†It is so peaceful.In a bit, I will turn on the TV, and tranquility will end and the noise will begin.I am talking about those exasperating TV campaign ads. I canít believe I am saying this, but I would rather see the ever-annoying ads for pharmaceutical drugs! They are similar to campaign ads, though. At the end of the ads, you either have to listen to ìthis drug could cause severe headaches or constipation or blindness or dementia;î or ìthis ad is brought to you by the ëGloves off, In Your Face Pací and then ìmy name is Ted Bundy, and I approve this ad.î Oh, my gosh!So, I am sure many of you have turned off local television stations by now, in favor of Netflix or Amazon, whatever. However, old habits die hard, and I am used to watching ìThe Today Showî and catching the evening news so itís hard to avoid the ìcommercials.îBut I have an idea. Last month, I talked about the tedious language of the amendments we face each election. Well, here is a simple one for all of us: No candidate for political office shall run ads on television stations until two weeks prior to any election. The ads are then limited to running once a day for each candidate. And no one shall spend more than $100 per ad (which gives the little guy a chance).But then we need an amendment addressing the campaign signs that litter the street corners, commercial and residential properties and barren lots. How about this: Campaign signs are not allowed, period. Do those signs really influence your vote? I doubt it. I donít think we vote based on how many signs Joe Blow has put up around the area. And we shouldnít be voting based on signs like, ìVote yes on Amendment 245,î unless the entire amendment is spelled out, and we can stop and thoroughly read the sign. Ha! I am really tired of seeing these signs at the same site six months after the election. They become litter; thus, the candidates and those who are lobbying for amendments should be fined for littering!Besides, if you want to try and influence someoneís vote, write a letter to the editor, itís usually a free service from your local newspaper!Anyway, forget about the pre-election madness ó and just vote!Veterans Day and Thanksgiving are almost here. This month, weíve added a bit of Veterans Day trivia, and a few kids tell us what they are thankful for this year.I am thankful for my family, this newspaper, this community, a wonderful team of people who work for the NFH and all the advertisers and readers who have kept this newspaper on the stands for almost 16 years. And finally, I am thankful this election is almost over!Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you, veterans.See you in December!– Michelle

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