The big news ñ and youíve probably at least glanced at our front-page photo ñ is the NFH teamís first baby: Christopher Michael Morlan, brand new son (and first born) of NFH writer Angie Morlan and her husband, Tom. Christopher and Tom and Angie represent community, and community is what weíre all about.So, weíre feeling like aunts and uncles (some of us, after a long drawn-out deadline, feel like great grandma) to little Christopher, who was born Feb. 19. Not so little ñ 9 pounds, 5 ounces.Anyway, Tom and Angie: Thanks for sharing the experiences of your journey these last nine months.Itís a great time of the year for new beginnings. Weíre starting a new column this month ñ Business Briefs. Check out whatís happening with local businesses on page 12. Send us snippets about your business ñ new employees, new babies, promotions, awards, expansions, charity events, etc. Business is about community, too. The NFH editorial and sales teams are all about bringing that community together. Just give us a call.On another note, our long-time sales representative Don Josleyn celebrated his 59th birthday Feb. 24. His wife, Lisa, said, ìHeís 59 and mighty fine.îOur next issue arrives on St. Patrickís Day, so weíll save the rest of the blarney (which actually means flattery) ëtil then. Meanwhile, think spring.See you March 17.-Michelle, Marylou and the NFH team
From the NFH Team
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