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From the Publisher

From the NFH Team

Presidentís Day is Monday, and, although the original holiday honored the birthdays of Abe Lincoln (Feb. 12) and George Washington (Feb. 22), the day has become a tribute to all U.S. presidents. In celebration of Presidentís Day, weíve hidden a few presidential tidbits throughout this edition of the NFH.February also is Black History Month. Dr. Carter Woodson is responsible for the recognition of black history. His parents were former slaves, and he spent his childhood working in the coal mines of Kentucky. He enrolled in high school when he was 20 years old and eventually earned a doctorate from Harvard. Woodson was disturbed that American history books either ignored blacks or portrayed them as inferior citizens, so he established Negro History Week. Look for quotes from famous black people throughout this issue.We hope to shed light on whatís been ignored in present-day America with a new column ñ ìYour dollars at work.î Weíll take a close look at one or two government (county and state) expenditures and research the necessity of those dollars. Weíll run that column as needed, starting next month. According to Douglas Bruceís column in this edition, weíll have plenty of material.For now, be sure to read Wild Hare in this issue. Kathy Hare writes about Abe Lincoln, and itís a provocative piece about compromise.And check out Tom Prebleís Prairie Tales in this edition for a great father-daughter story about spring chickens and little girls growing up.Whether youíre a mom or dad, a pregnant couple or you just want a good laugh, donít miss a special column by Angie Morlan, as she talks about all the advice she and hubby Tom have received over the past nine months of their pregnancy.Thanks again to all the subscribers who have sent in their renewals. Weíve had a great return, and we appreciate your support of our newspaper.Next month, weíll feature a couple of ideas for spring break out-of-state trips. Summer is around the corner, you know.Thatís it for now. See you March 3.- Michelle, Marylou and the team

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