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From the Publisher

From the NFH Team

With the approach of the fall equinox, a change in season can be sensed all around us. There is a marked change in the air; the duration of the day has shortened; the landscape has transformed to feature trees with golden and auburn leaves, browning grass and hibernating flowers. No matter what word you use ñ transform, alter or adapt ñ the theme of change is prevalent. In this issue of The New Falcon Herald, examples of change within the community are represented as well.Adapted from a line in the poem ìTo a Mouse,î by Robert Burns, ìThe best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry,î frequently rings true. No matter how carefully a project is thought out, a change in plans can take you by surprise. Kathleen Wallace reports that after extensive planning with the county and an agreement with the Falcon Fire Protection District, Loweís has changed their plans for Falcon. Kathleen also reports on transitions within El Paso County as county commissioners grapple with continued budget shortfalls. Read about how the county plans to compensate for the shortage of funds.Natalie Gowen reports on how two local families have invited change into their lives. She also reports on school bus overcrowding and how Falcon School District 49 has adapted to the situation. Mountain View Electric Association is transforming their building and Natalie reports on the changes that will come with the expansion.And, JoAnn McNabb reports on two Falcon High School graduates and how their summer vacation was transformed into a journey they would never forget.A change of season is upon us, and in this issue the NFH staff will bring you the stories of change that affect your community.– Stefani, Michelle and the NFH team

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