Signs of a new season are emerging – leaves are sprouting from tree branches, newly budding flowers pop with color, temperatures are consistently warmer and neighbors that have been hibernating for the past several months emerge from their dwellings.With the onset of spring and the approaching summer season comes a time of celebration. Falcon School District 49 graduating seniors will celebrate the significance of their hard work and accomplishments they have demonstrated throughout their academic careers. In this issue of The New Falcon Herald, a special graduation section recognizes the 2008 graduates. For these seniors, the season brings big plans and dreams of bright futures.Also, check out the community calendar for upcoming summer festivities. Parades, concerts, festivals and community get-togethers give Falcon residents the opportunity to renew acquaintances and enjoy the warm weather.The NFH team hopes this spring leaves you with a feeling of well being and vitality. And remember to make a point to wave to the neighbors you haven’t seen since the winter solstice.– Stefani, Michelle and the team