From the Publisher

From the NFH Team

ìIíve never seen so much snow on the ground for so long in Colorado.î Thatís what we hear from everyone these days. If you moved to Colorado this year, most old-timers will attest to the fact that snow cover lasting a week is unusual. Of course, if you moved from the Midwest, you are used to it.Anyway, weíve had some late site deliveries because of the snow as well. Itís always a reminder that we really arenít in control.News from the team includes co-publisher Michelle Barrette, who has tossed her hat in the ring for the vice presidency of the Falcon Business League. Be sure to check out the final slate of officers in upcoming NFH editions. Angie Morlan has about three weeks before the new baby ñ the first one for the Morlans ñ arrives. Angie and her husband, Tom, are obviously able to resist temptation. Tucked away on the fireplace mantle is a piece of paper with the babyís gender written on it. Neither one has opened it. Thatís discipline ñ and patience!In honor of Valentineís Day, Angie talked to two Falcon couples this month whoíve sustained long marriages. We hope you enjoy reading their secrets to success.Speaking of love matches, check out Kramer Bookmanís birding column. Kramer tells us that female birds choose their mates based on the maleís feathers ñ the brilliance of the colors. He writes, ìA female will frequently be surrounded by several drakes all angling their feathers to catch the sun for maximum effect. She will choose one.î Sounds like an evening at the gym in the human world.Thanks to Jane Boehringer for submitting pictures of the Falcon Lions Club charter dinner, and thank you Tracy Bookman for shooting our front-page photo.Last but not least, GO COLTS!Marylou Doehrman ñ always a Hoosier ñ is taking bets:COLTS versus BEARS: Colts rear up and stampede the Bears, winning Sundayís Super Bowl 17 to 7.Thatís it for this month.See you Feb. 16.Michelle, Marylou and the team

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