Donít forget the FREE shredding opportunity on June 10, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Black Forest Lutheran†Church, 12455 Black Forest Road. This will be your annual opportunity to shred your old tax information and†personal paper documents safely. All of the professionally shredded material will be recycled in your presence.†Please, no plastic bags or 3-ring binders, as they will not shred.AARP ElderWatch, the Black Forest AARP Chapter 1100 and the Black Forest Lutheran Church provide†this shredding event as a community service primarily to help citizens avoid scams and ID theft.You can donate non-perishable food items or cash if you wish. All donations will go to Black Forest Cares, a†local food pantry. Look for the bright color T-shirts and the sign at the shredding entrance on Black Forest Road.