At their meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 11, the Falcon Fire Protection District Board of Directors honored fallen firefighters from 9/11, heard a good financial report and discussed recognition for the outgoing attorney for the district. Director Joan Hathcock was absentFirst responders from 9/11 honoredDirector Mike Collins said that among other first responders 80 emergency medical technicians, 343 firefighters and one fire chaplain perished Sept. 11, 2001, at the World Trade Center. Since that time, more than 200 first responders have died from the effects of that catastrophe ó many of those deaths were cancer related. On a brighter note, he said since 9/11, 17 relatives of 9/11 responders have joined the New York Fire Department. Collins then called for a moment of silence and offered a prayer for all first responders.Financial reportìWe’re in good shape right now,î said Fire Chief Trent Harwig, as he delivered the August financial report. He said the department was under budget in all areas. Harwig said the year is 66 percent complete and the general fund had received 95 per cent of its’ budget. The ambulance transport fund was also at 95 percent of the allotted revenue for the year, and expenditures were at 64 percent. The capital project fund had received 100 percent of its budgeted revenues, and expenditures were at 42 percent. Chief’s reportHarwig said there were 409 reserve hours (the highest number for this year) and 250 service calls in August. Total calls were 9.2 percent over total calls for this time last year. In August, there were 29 out-of-district calls. There were also 164 emergency medical service incidents in August, with a total of 1,272 EMS incidents year-to-date. To date, 55.5 percent of EMS calls have been related to traffic accidents. The district participated in mutual aid with Black Forest and Cimarron Hills.Harwig said that based on an Aug. 25 assessment from the county, property values in the district have increased such that the district could expect an increase in revenue of $1.1 million next year. He said he has started planning a preliminary budget for the coming year.He also said the department will install gate openers on its vehicles to have access into gated communities.The closing for land for the new Meridian Road intersection will take place in a few days, Harwig said.Attorney’s reportAttorney Joan Fritsche reported progress in securing a lease for the playground at Woodmen Hills Station 1. She also said the recommended changes in the Shiloh Mesa 502 exclusion discussed at the August meeting have been sent to the assistant city attorney for approval.The board discussed ways to recognize Richard Shearer, the former attorney for the Falcon fire department. Collins said, ìHe has gotten us out of a lot of jamsî in his 16 years of service to the FFPD.The next FFPD board meeting is Wednesday, Oct. 16, at 4 p.m. at fire station No. 3 on Old Meridian Road.
FFPD September board meeting
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