The treasurer’s report, staff reports and building plans were discussed at the March 17 meeting of the Falcon Fire Protection District Board of Directors.Financial reportFire Chief Trent Harwig reported that with 17% of the fiscal year completed, the district had collected 3% of the budgeted revenues. However, he expects revenues to increase next month when property taxes begin to come in. The expenditures in the general fund were at 9%. Harwig added that there had been no transfers yet from the general fund to the ambulance transport fund or the capital projects fund. The ambulance transport fund is at 12% of budgeted expenditures, while the capital projects budget is at 7% of budgeted expenditures. There was no action with the rural water fund.Staff reportsDeputy Chief Jeff Petersma reported that calls were down in February compared to January; the response time is also down from January. In February, there were 86 reserve hours.Emergency Medical Services Chief Jon Webb reported there were 93 ambulance transports in February. He noted that February was busy for a short month. Webb said there are fewer cases of COVID 19.Construction projectsThe board learned that the construction of Station 3 is behind because of weather conditions. The completion date is now in August. Board President Tom Kerby asked if there was a penalty in the contract for construction delays. The chief said he was not sure and would check the contract. Kerby said he would like to see the weather delays documented in more detail, including exact dates. The board ratified a draw from Hammers Construction for $177,000, which the chief said includes most of the change orders that had been approved. The board approved a change order brought about because of unforeseen cost increases in overhead doors and drywall.Turning to construction of the new administration building, the board discussed drainage plans for that building. ìWe’re getting close to the final design,î Kerby said. When plans are almost complete, they will be submitted to the regional building department for comments. The chief said when bids start to come in it would give him an idea of what amount to discuss when talking finances with the bank.Final actionIn their last action item, the board adopted a resolution dealing with retention of records.Next meetingThe next meeting will be held Wednesday, April 21, at 4 p.m. at Station 3, which is at the intersection of Old Meridian Road and U.S. Highway 24. To participate via conference call, dial 719-495-2681 and follow the prompts.