At their April 21 meeting, the Falcon Fire Protection District Board of Directors discussed construction plans for the new station 3 and the new administration building. Board member Ray Hawkins participated via conference call. All other board members were present.Treasurer’s reportìEverything looks good,î said Chief Trent Harwig, as he delivered the financial report. With 25% of the fiscal year gone, the general fund had received 37% of its budgeted revenues and was at 23% of expenditures. The ambulance transport fund was at 27% of revenues and 21% of expenditures. The capital projects fund was at 12% of revenues and 11% expenditures. However, the chief said those figures would change with the next lease purchase agreement.Staff reportsIn the month of March, there were 31 reserve hours, Harwig said. The total calls for March were 315, with 844 total calls for the year through the end of March. It was noted that response times were faster than this time last year. Of the total calls for March, 100 were ambulance transports, said Emergency Medical Services Chief Jon Webb. Webb said the average number of ambulance calls per month was 101.Construction reportsìEverything seems to be moving along,î Harwig said of the new station 3 construction. He informed the board that in the last three weeks, Hammers Construction had poured a major amount of concrete. The completion of the building shell allowed for the pouring of interior concrete and electrical wiring. The completion date for the project has been moved from the first of July to the end of August, due in part to a delay in the delivery of materials. The board ratified payment of a construction draw for Hammers Construction of $161,765 for work completed.Turning to the new administration building, Harwig said he met with the architect and looked at a drawing of the building. The board decided to advertise for bids in June and award the contract in July.Other businessThe zoning change has not been submitted for the station 3 property. A traffic study must be done first.Attorney Joan Fritsche reported that she has not heard from the state on last month’s resolution regarding records retention.Under the heading of new business, certain pieces of equipment were declared surplus so they could be discarded.The next meeting is at 4 p.m., Wednesday, May 19, at station 3 on Old Meridian Road. Interested persons can participate via conference call by dialing 719-495-2681 and following the prompts.