At their meeting on Aug. 19, the Falcon Fire Protection District Board of Directors lost one of their members, discussed construction plans and addressed a request for inclusion into the fire protection district.Board member resignsBoard member Corey Galicia sent in a letter of resignation because his job is taking him to another part of the state. The board agreed to advertise for applicants to complete his term. Board members Tom Kerby and Ray Hawkins were appointed to a committee to review applications and make recommendations at the next board meeting.Treasurer’s ReportìWe are in good shape,î said Chief Trent Harwig regarding the district’s finances. In all areas of the budget, revenues are exceeding expenditures.Chief’s reportThe board learned that Station 3 response time was up a little in July, and the increase was attributed to the road construction around the fire station. EMS Division Chief Jon Webb reported that in July, ambulance transports totaled 92. Before the ambulance service started, it was projected that the ambulances would run about 90 calls a month. This is the first month the projection has been met.Construction projectsThe chief said that the Old Meridian Road construction project has progressed to the point that it should not have any effect on fire department operations for some time. He said he had met with Mountain View Electric to discuss electrical needs for the new Station 3, the administration building and the proposed maintenance shop. He learned that the present transformer will be sufficient for those buildings. Harwig also met with officials of Woodmen Hills Metropolitan District to discuss the sewer system for the proposed maintenance building. He said he is waiting for the county to approve final development plans for the new Station 3. The board is waiting for preliminary estimates to convert the existing Station 3 into an administration building.The board spent considerable time discussing how to handle legal descriptions for the three separate lease purchase agreements for the new Station 3, the remodeling of Station 3 into an administration building and the new maintenance building since they are all on the same parcel of land.Inclusion in the FFPDThe board received a request for inclusion into the Falcon fire protection district from a commercial area west of Marksheffel Road near the city water treatment plant. They decided to hold a public hearing on the request at the September meeting.Meeting date changedThe board voted to change the September meeting date from Sept 16 to Sept. 9. The meeting will be held at Station 3 at 4 p.m. and can also be seen on Zoom by going to boardThe pension board met and received quarterly reports. ìSo far the pension fund is doing all right in 2020,î Harwig said. The pension board voted to reschedule their November meeting to Nov. 11 to coincide with the rescheduled fire protection board meeting.
FFPD August board meeting
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