The Falcon Fire Protection District held its regular monthly board meeting April 20. All board members were present except for director Mike Collins, who was granted an excused absence. Richard Shearer, legal counsel for the district, did not attend the meeting but was available by phone.Treasurerís reportFire Chief Trent Harwig reported that the fiscal year was 25 percent complete as of March 31. The district has received about 24 percent of its anticipated revenue. Total general fund expenditures were at 17 percent.Incident statisticsThe district responded to 178 incidents in March. The year-to-date total as of March 31 was 344, which represented a 5.8 percent increase over the same period in 2015. The data for March does not reflect the actual number of calls for service during the March 23 blizzard, since many responses were lumped under a single incident number in the incident reporting system.Chiefís reportHarwig reported that he has been working with legal counsel on contracts for the new station and a new fire engine, as well as drafting automatic aid agreements with Peyton Fire Protection District and Ellicott Fire Protection District for structure and wildland fires. Under the current mutual aid agreements, these districts must request aid from FFPD, and specify what resources they need. Under the automatic aid agreements, FFPD will be dispatched automatically with pre-designated resources.Station 4The draft contract for Station 4 was received from Hammers Construction and has been reviewed by legal counsel, who recommended only a few minor changes. Harwig and board president Dan Kupferer met with Hammers Construction April 20 to review the final specs. Groundbreaking for the project is expected in early June.After discussing various aspects of Station 4 design and construction, the board voted to approve the contract with Hammers Construction, as amended by legal counsel.Apparatus purchase agreementHarwig said that legal counsel recommended approval of the contract to purchase a new fire engine built by Rosenbauer Motors, which is the manufacturer of two of FFPDís current fire engines. He estimated the district will save about $8,500 by pre-paying for the cab and chassis. Funds for that payment were included in the 2016 budget. Harwig said the total cost of the new engine will be $524,842.The board voted to approve the Rosenbauer apparatus purchase agreement.
FFPD April board meeting
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