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Falcon well-represented at West Point

In each class at West Point United States Military Academy in Orange County, New York, is a cadet with Falcon roots. The cadets grew up in Falcon, and their parents still live in Falcon. The four represented each West Point class.Connor Gosselin (i.e. a Firstie) will be commissioned as a 2nd Lt. on May 26 from West Point. Connor attended St. Maryís High School in Colorado Springs, but he grew up in Falcon. His parents are Greg and Carrie Gosselin.Matthew J. Paulton is a freshman (known as a Plebe) at West Point. He was homeschooled in Falcon. His parents are John and Sandy Paulton.Anthony D. Wentz is a sophomore (a Yearling) at West Point, and he is at West Point with his brother, Matthew B. Wentz, who is a junior (known as a Cow). Both graduated from Falcon High School. Their dad and stepmom are Matt and Dorothy (Dee) Wentz. Their mother, Lillian Barone, lives in Pennsylvania.The Wentz boys and Matt Paulton played on the High Plains Little League team.

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