At the May 19 meeting, the Falcon Fire Protection District Board of Directors recognized the lifesaving efforts of paramedics and discussed construction projects.EMS recognitionJon Webb, Emergency Medical Services division chief, said he was catching up after the pandemic to recognize firefighters for their lifesaving efforts last year. For their response to two cardiac arrest calls in January 2020, Webb presented Brandon McKenna, Joshua Adkins, Curtis Kauffman, Cody Richens, Corey Kurt and Timothy Wilkerson with the Phoenix Award. This is an award Webb presents to paramedics who have been instrumental in saving a life. Webb said there would be other awards presented in the coming meetings to recognize other lifesaving actions during the pandemic. Webb said family members and friends who administer CPR before paramedics arrive on the scene helps a great deal.ReportsFFPD is in good shape financially. In all areas, the budget revenues exceeded expenditures. The call volume for April was the second highest of the year with 13 to 19 calls a day. April was also a busy month for the EMS division, with 125 calls. Webb said paramedics would continue to wear masks until there was a big decline in cases of COVID 19.Between Jan. 1 and the end of April, the department responded to 1,139 calls. There were 26 reserve hours last month.Construction updatesChief Trent Harwig said that construction crews were taking advantage of the good weather to pour concrete for construction of the new Station 3 He added that inside work is getting done, such as electrical wiring, plumbing and HVAC. He said the builders were close to having the walls done. Station 3 was modeled after Station 4. Harwig said that so far costs were 3-to-4% of the cost of Station 4. In connection with the construction of Station 3, the board approved a draw by Hammers Construction for $304,755 for work completed, and approved change orders.The board learned that YOW Architects is preparing bid requests for the new administration building. The board discussed advertising for bids in mid-June, receiving those bids in late July and awarding a contract in August. The board also discussed using a temporary building for administration while the new administration building is being built. They discussed the advantages of using a temporary building on site as opposed to renting office space elsewhere.Other mattersThere was some discussion about transferring the utility easement on district property at Station 1 to Woodmen Hills Metropolitan District in connection with construction of a park on the property.The board approved H&H Law as special counsel on an as-needed basis for employment law and potential litigation matters. The board discussed, but took no action, on a request by Fidelity Towers to build a cellular tower on Station 2 property. The chief said he would have more information and a recommendation for the next meeting.The next board meeting is Wednesday, June 16, at 4 p.m. at Station 3 on Old Meridian Road. To participate via conference call, dial 719-495-2681 and follow the prompts.
Falcon paramedics honored at FFPD meeting
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