By Marylou Bride
As of this writing, the results aren’t official but it looks like the Falcon Highlands Board of Directors recall efforts were successful for the people behind the recall.
The three board members up for recall were Timothy Dickey, Erin Ganaway and Leo Schumacher, and all were ousted by landslide yes votes. Ballots returned totaled 291; 277 yes votes recalled Ganaway; Schumacher received 276 yes votes; 280 votes recalled Dickey. Their successors won by a significant amount of votes as well. Bob Aamodt, with 187 votes, will replace Schumacher; Ainsley Lyra Sinclaire received 197 votes to replace Ganaway; and Curtis O. Fletcher, with 281 votes, succeeds Dickey.
One Falcon Highlands resident who initiated the recall, Cristina Welch, said she was pleased with the election turnout. She called the election a ‘landslide victory” for residents in the community. “Now that homeowners have control of the board, the real problem-solving can begin,” Welch said. “The district has a history of mismanagement and a lack of transparency, which has resulted in the neglect and deterioration of our development. These are issues the new board members plan to address; however, we can’t expect them to do it all on their own. For the district to be successful, it is imperative that the rest of the community remains actively involved. This means people need to attend the monthly board meetings, educate themselves, and participate in the discussions that will shape the future of our community.”
When contacted for a statement about the recall and the interim manager, Josh Miller, general manager of Falcon Highlands, responded with “no comment at this time.”