The Falcon Fire Protection Districtís Board of Directors appointed a new board member at the January meeting. Daniel Kupferer filled the position left by Dena Bramhallís departure in November 2010. The district had solicited letters of interest from people in the community, and just two people had responded, but only Kupferer was eligible. The other candidate did not meet the deadline.Kupferer is a former volunteer firefighter and board member with more than 30 years experience. In 1999, he retired as a volunteer on the department after 20 years and then served six years on the board.Budget reportThe district collected 100 percent of their anticipated revenue in 2010; however, they received $10,000 less in property taxes than expected. But funds from grants last year were more than expected, compensating for the reduction in property taxes collected.The district plans to organize a budget sustainability committee by the February board meeting. The district is anticipating a 15 percent reduction in the budgeted tax income. By 2012, the district will need to operate with a budget of $300,000 less than it currently does.Additionally, there are plans for a public communications committee. Public attendance at board meetings is encouraged. Citizens interested in joining the communications committee should contact Falcon Fire Chief Trent Harwig at 719-495-4050.Excessive capital equipment also came into question at the January meeting. The district is considering decreasing the amount of in-stock medical supplies because of expiration dates and the possibility of quickly acquiring new supplies.The board is also considering the sale of one of four brush trucks. The district would accept bids on the truck and use the money toward the purchase of a new quick-response vehicle. The change would save maintenance and fuel costs, as the current trucks have a fuel economy of 5 miles per gallon, as opposed to 25 miles per gallon for the new vehicle.Volunteer organization dissolutionThe Falcon Volunteer Fire Department is relinquishing its name and logo to the Falcon Fire Protection District. The volunteer organization will be dissolved and continue under the FFPD. ìWe still have volunteers, the same volunteers as they were before,î Chief Trent Harwig said. The volunteers had previously worked under a stand-alone 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable. Under the nonprofit, volunteers could choose whether they wanted to join the volunteer organization; it was not a requirement.The Falcon Fire Protection District is looking for more volunteers. A Volunteer Firefighter Academy led by Battalion Chief Cory Galicia will take place Feb. 14. To be eligible, a potential volunteer must be a licensed emergency medical technician (EMT) in the state of Colorado, at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or GED. People interested in the academy should contact Cory Galicia at 719-495-4050.Strategic planDistrict board member Phillip Theodore is pushing for the development of a strategic plan for the districtís future and asking for input from the community regarding issues and concerns and short, mid and long-term goals. Items for goal setting include the following:* Personnel and staffing* Facilities* District administration* Budgeting* Sustainment of the districtís services* Apparatus (maintenance and replacement)* Equipment* Organization* Training and certification* Community outreach* Marketing strategies* Heraldry* Salary and benefits* Cost cutting measuresComments from the public are due by Feb. 9. The district plans to compile community input toward a first draft of the plan for the board meeting on Feb. 16.
Falcon fire district appoints new board member
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