Business Briefs

Falcon Broadband merger

Falcon Broadband Inc. and Prime Time Communications LLC, closed a merger deal Feb. 25. Mark Wentzlaff, PTC president and CEO, said the two companies signed a management services agreement in March 2008. “We’ve been able to work cooperatively for almost a year,” he said. Because of its strong market presence and brand recognition, Wentzlaff said Falcon Broadband will initially keep its name, but may eventually become Falcon Broadband PTC. He said there will be no immediate changes in service, but in the future there will be a gradual enhancement of services, including channel line-up and phone enhancement. “Falcon Broadband has a very dedicated service team. We will use them as the nucleus to grow the customer base,” Wentzlaff said. He said Falcon Broadband serves about 2,500 subscribers and PTC serves about 5,500 subscribers.

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