On Oct. 24, the District Accountability Advisory Committee (DAAC) voted 18 to 9 not to recite the pledge of allegiance prior to DAAC meetings. This is the second time that D 49 teachers have voted not to recite the pledge at district council and committee meetings. Several other community members also participated in the “NO” vote, including a senior member of the PTA, veterans and spouses of veterans plus unidentified community members. The reasons for voting down the pledge were much the same as when many of the same individuals voted the pledge down as members of the D 49 Cultural Leadership advisory Council (CLAC) on May 18.
This behavior from D 49 teachers and staff is unacceptable and should not be tolerated by patriotic voters. At a time when teachers need a pay raise and the MLO is on the ballot, D 49 teachers and community members that represent their schools at these meetings are demonstrating so much disrespect toward our country and voicing condescending statements to those that wish to recite the pledge that the MLO chances of being approved has been dramatically reduced.
I want to thank the eight other true American patriots for their support for voting “YES” to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Please take a patriots stand against D 49 staff and community members attempting to cancel the pledge of allegiance at D 49 council and committee meetings. Please also write the D 49 BOE and tell them to take action to stop this abuse of power.
Jeff Hall